The private German Kindergarten Germani is a new and unique experience for young and old!
At the foot of
Vitosha there is
a wonderful house ...
In Germani the children learn to play and have fun. A team from Germany and Bulgaria gently dives them into the richness of the German language and offers them a better future in the new, global world. Whether they are doing science, art or sport, they are encouraged to strengthen their self-esteem and believe in their strength to follow their dreams with pride.
Day nursery
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Our team
The Germani’s kindergarten team is international. With a lot of professionalism and unremitting work we managed to create a wonderful place where not only children, but also their parents feel good.
Private kindergarten Germani is licensed by Order № RD 14-64 / from 10.06.2010 by the Ministry of Education.
The kindergarten is open from Monday to Friday from 8.00h am to 19.00h.
The garden is closed only on official holidays in the Republic of Bulgaria.
Yes. Children are accepted in two nursery groups:
Nursery group I – children who can walk – at the age of 1 to 2 are accepted.
Nursery group II – for children from 2 to 3 years old.
The monthly fee is 1450 BGN. For the convenience of parents, there are several payment options:
- Monthly – 1450 BGN;
- Six months – with a 2% discount;
- Once a year – with a 5% discount
- Training on the basic educational trends for the age group;
- All-day study of German language and German tutors;
- Healthy eating 4 times a day;
- Swimming in the kindergarten’s pool 2 times a week;
- Medical services;
- Daily Report, in electronic format in order to inform the parents how the child’s day has passed;
- Set educational books;
- Real-time video surveillance;
The discount for second and third child of the family is 10%.
The maximum number of children in group is 15.